Relics From the Past: 18 of the Most Well-Preserved Humans from History
Daniel Bonfiglio
Every single one of us will die, and when we do, we'll most likely be buried, cremated, or disposed of in some other well-established manner. Our bodies will decompose, and the atoms we're comprised of will go on to nourish nature in the beautiful cycle of life.
However, a few individuals across history have avoided that process. Whether lost under the Irish Bogs, frozen on top of the Andes, or carefully preserved through deliberate mummification, there are a few ancient humans who have made it through to the present day. Or, at least their bodies did.
Check out 22 photos of some of the most well-preserved humans in history.
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This 15-year-old girl, sacrificed 500 years ago, is remarkably well-preserved due to freezing conditions. Her discovery was groundbreaking, with even blood and internal organs intact. Known globally as La Doncella (Spanish for the maiden), the mummy is an Incan girl discovered in 1999 by archaeologists on top of the summit of Volcán Llullaillaco, which is part of the Andes Mountains in Argentina. -
The 2,000 year old body of Xin Zhui, (213 BC - 163 BC), which is considered the best preserved mummy ever discovered. Her skin is soft, her arms and legs can still bend. Her internal organs are intact while also having hair, eyebrows and lashes, and Type-A blood in her veins. -
A CT scan performed in 2016 on the best preserved Guanche mummy. -
The mummified 200-year-old remains of Buddhist monk. -
The "Old Croghan Man," a preserved torso of a man found in an Irish bog from 2,000+ years ago. -
The incredibly well preserved head of the Pharaoh, Seti l. Father of Ramses the Great. Over 3000 years ago. -
In 1950, the preserved body of a man from 405–380 BCE called the Tollund Man, was found in a peat bog. He died via hanging and was used as a sacrifice. -
A 229 ft. long Swedish warship sank in 1628, then 338 years later in 1961 it was raised from the sea floor almost perfectly preserved. The wood was still strong enough to walk the decks. Salvagers even found a fully intact human brain in one of the bodies, with boots on their feet. -
Detmold child is the name of a mummy found in Peru. The mummy has been identified to be about 6,500 years old, making it one of the oldest preserved mummies ever found. -
Jeremy Bentham died in 1832, but his preserved body is on display at University College London. -
Corpse discovered in 1991, in the Austrian Alps, preserved in ice for 5,300 years. Nicknamed "Ötzi," the belongings found near his body included a bow, arrows, ax, and flint dagger. Wounds including an arrowhead embedded in his left shoulder caused researchers to believe Ötzi was murdered, and some believe he was pursued through the mountains, possibly as a criminal. -
12-year-old Incan mummy, sacrificed. -
A Russian Buddhist lama monk who died mid chant in the lotus posture in 1927. -
Despite the fact that this Ukok Princess died over 2,500 years ago, her tattoo is still clearly visible. -
While not ancient, this body on mount everest will likely remain preserved for a long time. Dead hikers are often used as navigation points, since rescuing them is too dangerous. This climber, nicknamed “Green Boots,” was lost in 1991.
- Relics From the Past: 18 of the Most Well-Preserved Humans from History
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This 15-year-old girl, sacrificed 500 years ago, is remarkably well-preserved due to freezing conditions. Her discovery was groundbreaking, with even blood and internal organs intact. Known globally as La Doncella (Spanish for the maiden), the mummy is an Incan girl discovered in 1999 by archaeologists on top of the summit of Volcán Llullaillaco, which is part of the Andes Mountains in Argentina.